






溫馨通告 行程2020年12月15 天天開放    除每年4月25日(軍團節)1225(聖誕節)不開放
"歡樂旅遊"俱樂部會員[01]折扣:本行程up to 8%[詳情]


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黃金海岸門票: 可倫賓野生動物保護、樹頂漫步挑戰


Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary


"新冠"疫情後重啟 -- 優惠價特供會員Up to 8% off

入場門票窗口價39.95   門票+樹頂挑戰窗口價59

活動中: 加客服微信 pjtravel-au 新人有打折哦!!!




Highlight 行程特色











Overview 行程簡介




卡拉賓野生動物保護區Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary地處黃金海岸市中心以南18公里處,占地27公頃,讓你在黃金海岸享受一場親近自然和休閒之旅-適合任何年齡的遊客。充滿趣味的小島冒險非常適合小孩子玩耍,高空繩索適合大孩子和家長,甚至身體健康的老年人也可一試。可倫賓野生保護區-歸註冊慈善機構昆士蘭國民信託所有,園內的所有收入都將用于保護區的建設+維護。




可倫賓野生動物保護區Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary還有一項非常獨特的彩色鸚鵡爭食。澳洲鸚鵡非常美麗,當遊客端著食物飼料,可愛的鸚鵡會停在遊客手上或頭上,加上震耳欲聾的鳥叫聲,成百上千彩色鸚鵡集合真是蔚為奇觀。可倫賓在1974年創立,創立者亞力克斯格裡菲斯是一名養蜂人和花匠。最初他只是為了防止彩虹鸚鵡在花開期吸食花蜜才餵食它們。然而餵食這些五彩繽紛的鸚鵡很快地成為當地非常受歡迎的活動。1976年,亞力克斯把保護區捐贈給昆士蘭國民信託。昆士蘭國民信託與他想法相同,都致力於維護昆州的自然文化遺產。於是它以非盈利機構操作方法經營,把所有的收入都用回保護區的發展、生態研究、保護受傷的野生動物和公眾教育。1995年,可倫賓由最初的“可倫賓鳥類保護區”改名為“可倫賓野生動物保護區”,讓人們能瞭解到這裡野生動物種類的豐富。彩虹鸚鵡仍是可倫賓的標誌,但除此之外,每天前來的遊客還可以看到其它令人驚異的澳州-野生動物。



Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is famous for the most natural and relaxed experience of the big attractions on the Gold Coast, mixed with fun for all ages. The exciting Wild Island adventure play area is ideal for the little ones whilst the ¤Green Challenge high ropes course by Adventure Parc is fantastic for bigger kids their parents and even grandparents…if they dare! Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary is owned by The National Trust of Queensland , a registered charity and ‘not-for-profit’ organization reinvests all proceeds from these passes back into the Sanctuary. With its foundation in the pioneering days of Gold Coast tourism, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary has developed into a world-leader in the display and preservation of Australia’s wildlife and natural heritage. With hundreds of animals and birds, the Sanctuary is home to one of the largest collections of Australian native wildlife in the world. Established nearly 60 years ago, the Sanctuary has attracted millions of visitors throughout its history and continues to provide opportunities to see and interact with Australia’s amazing wildlife.

The Sanctuary was established in 1947 by beekeeper and flower grower Alex Griffiths, who began feeding the region’s wild lorikeets to prevent them from ravaging his prized blooms. The feeding of the colourful lorikeets soon developed from a local curiosity to a popular tourist attraction. In 1976, Alex gifted the Sanctuary to the people of Queensland as a National Trust of Queensland property. The National Trust of Queensland is a like-minded organization dedicated to preserving the State’s natural and cultural heritage. The Trust continues to operate the Sanctuary on a not-for-profit basis, with all revenue reinvested back into the park, in conservation-based research, caring for sick and injured wildlife and public education. Originally known as Currumbin Bird Sanctuary, the park’s name was changed to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary in 1995 to better reflect the diverse range of animals on display. While the lorikeets remain a hallmark attraction, every day visitors can see many of Australia’s most amazing wildlife species.


Take the challenge -  TreeTop Challenge

Located inside Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, the TreeTop Challenge will get your adrenaline pumping! With 80 huge TreeTop Challenges, including 11 insane ziplines, we guarantee you will have an unforgettable day of thrills, action and adventure.

SAFETY EQUIPMENT All safety equipment (helmet, harness and gloves) is supplied and participants are instructed on its usage before beginning the course. Qualified supervisors are present throughout to guide adventurers and ensure their safety at all times. All you are required to bring are closed-in shoes and a daredevil attitude!

COURSE DETAILS To complete the courses you will need approximately 3.5 hours. Your TreeTop Challenge fee covers all your equipment hire and access to the courses for the entire duration of your visit.




Days Available: Thursday to Sunday (Subject to change) - Everyday in school holiday period

Time: Book your timeslot through TreeTop Challenge online or by calling 1300 881 446

Minimum Requirements: Children must be at least 8 years of age and be able to reach 160cm to the centre of their palm for the Green and Red course. Children must be able to reach 180cm to the centre of their palm for the Black course.



















(AU$ 澳幣)

旅程代碼: GM08

門票價格(每位 (0-3)預訂費$1 其它相關選項(成人/小童)(每位) 在線電郵-問詢









Currumbin野生動物保護園入場遊覽 49.95 39.95 149.95 - 22/11(起) - 網站訂購
保護園+Tree top Challenge樹頂挑戰 69 59 230 - 22/11(起) -

本行程"歡樂旅遊俱樂部"會員[01]折扣- 銀卡3%, 金卡5%, 白金卡8%

Concession需持澳洲證件:門票與小童同價,酒店接送與成人同價。   黃金海岸酒店接送之小童定義為1-13,幼童定義為0

0 重要: A)全面的電子票務=免除舟車之勞。 B)周六下午or周日預訂,將在下周1收到旅行憑證!


在線訂購 Online Booking 信用卡或PayPal支付


| 中國銀聯卡常見問題問答 | 非信用卡訂購方式 | 預訂條款 | 聯系我們 | 電郵查詢 info@pjtravel.com.au |


A=Adult 成人, C=Child 小童, p.p=每位, E=Earlier 提早預訂 *必需選擇欄或回答欄(否則不能預訂成功)



客服微信: PJTravel-AU

本行程留位定金AU10/: 預訂流程選擇及完成以下*項目添加到購物車支付待確認有位計算餘款餘款支付 [詳情-03]


報名GM08行程* (價目表)


參加总人數* (有位後-會電郵/手機短信通知)


若其中有小童()幼童()Concession持有老年卡之各人數 (2小童C+1幼童F+1老年卡P, 可以填寫為2C+1F+1P, 以此類推)


(Concession需持有Australia Concession cards澳洲老年優惠卡,行程小童定義4-14, 幼童定義0-3)


參加月份*   越早預訂=確保有位


  參加日期*    軍團節425, 聖誕12月25日關閉-請勿選擇


主參加人姓名*(需英文拼音)+手機號碼* (若需更多資料,我們會聯系您)


格式: Mr Ms Surname, First name (性別,姓在前,名在後) + 手機號(非澳洲請加區號:如香港+852-1234 5678)



優惠申請(不含幼童) (若不選-視自動放棄, 本行程會員折扣)


餘款支付選項* (海外TT電匯-需離出發日10天以上)




行程外酒店/機票/接送/包車等-免費報特價(需填入代碼)   (如需:境内機票+酒店接送 格式:DA+Tsf)


代碼: H3=三星酒店Hotel, H4=四星酒店Hotel, H5=五星酒店Hotel, DA=澳洲國內機票, IA=國際機票, AT=Airport transfer 機場接送, Tsf=酒店接送




留言欄(中英皆可/英文爲佳)   (請勿含"$"字符/中文留言30)


(沒有澳洲手機號or不開通國際漫遊) 請提供微信Wechat or Whatsapp




如果沒有Paypal[02]信用卡,款項可用澳洲銀行轉賬or微信轉賬: 填好上面表格後-請勿按上方"添加到購物車",請截屏-發送到微信PJTravel-AU 電郵 我社



Terms and conditions: Under any special circumstances, our company reserves the right to cancel the tour prior to or after the date of departure and the right to adjust/change the schedule of the tour. Travel insurance is NOT included. We strongly recommend that passengers have their own travel insurance against illness, injury, loss/damage to personal belongings and not being able to travel on the confirmed departure date. Full fare is required for booking.

Cancellation fee: No refund if you cancel anytime. Amendment fee: No change permitted anytime. Liability: Whilst we make every effort to safeguard our clients, we cannot be held responsible for personal injury or loss due to events which are beyond our control. Passengers should note that adventure travel involves a higher than normal risk and a signed release may be required from all participants before tour departure. Price may changed without notice by tour operator.

組團公司公佈的注意事項和報名、取消、轉讓及責任: 1.各種情況下(如交通擁堵、特殊天氣、團友誤時、人數不足車輛機械故障原因),發團社公司有權在行程前或啓程後取消或更改行程,也有權縮短或延長行程。 2.本公司謹建議各位客人購買旅行保險。如因交通、天氣或其他非人為因素影響而需更改行程或滯留,所需一切費用由旅客自行負責。 3.如團友因任何事故未能參團,取消辦法如下: 一經出票-所繳團費概不退還 4.團友請准時集合,逾時不候。團友如遲到或未到,中途停團或自動放棄部份活動住宿等,所繳團費概不退還。 5.團友旅遊安全由各交通公司,酒店,各旅遊景點等直接負責,與本社無涉。 6.個人物品或行李請自行妥善保管,如有遺失,組團社不承擔責任。 7.改期收費: 一經出票-不接受改期 8.價格如因機票、彙率等變化有所更改,恕不另行通知,組團社或歡樂旅遊P&J Travel保留對行程的最終解釋權 9.雙方權益受預訂條款約束和保護,強烈建議預訂前閱讀了解和保存。


Frequently asked questions 旅程常見問題問答


02) 如遇您的信用卡無法支付或要求註冊:請致電您所在國的PayPal辦事處如提示Seller商家網站出錯:可截屏電郵至info@pjtravel.com.au(或)電話聯系我們若確係我社網站出錯,通知有獎勵-送Silver 銀卡會員1

03) 查位留位所需支付訂金Tour deposit AUD10/。如果收到我們電郵+手機短信SMS通知有位及留位成功後,需在3天內即刻(出發日期在3天内)支付餘款,否則訂金不予退還。如果收到我們電郵或SMS短信通知-團位已售罄或不開團您可從以下3种方式選一:A-已付訂金用於訂購其它行程B-要求退訂金,將扣除每人AUD1的信用卡公司、Paypal公司及本公司服務費,公司財務會在3個工作日內退還餘額訂金AUD9/C-已付訂金存于我社,一年内可用於訂購我社行程

04) 我不懂英文是否可以參加英文行程? 回答是可以,如果有使用WeChat微信,不明之處可以隨時詢問我社雙語

05) 本行程接受出示智能手機上由本社發出的旅行憑證(參團通知/PDF文檔或圖片文檔)參加旅行

06) 本行程公佈的注意事項和報名,取消,轉讓及責任之簡潔條款組團社或歡樂旅遊P&J Travel保留對行程的最終解釋權




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