首都堪培拉一日遊 (英文導遊) AK=J11










首都堪培拉一日遊 (英文導遊)

Canberra - Australia's Capital City Icons Day Tour




豪華大車=舒適享受    [優惠價及訂購]    [費用包與不含]    [常見問題問答]    不懂英文? 中文團查詢



Berrima 小鎮、Mt. Ainslie 山脈、Australian War Memorial 戰爭紀念館、National Museum of Australia 國立博物館

Parliament House 國會大廈、The Lodge 總理府、高等法院Lake Burley Griffin 格裏芬湖、Carillion 鍾樓

Travel with 列王旅遊公司AAT Kings 豪華旅遊大巴(免費Wi-Fi,車上提供飲用水,車上有衛生間)






集合地點(時間以出票時通知爲准)市區主要酒店或附近            行程時間:7:40am-9:30pm


Overview 行程簡介


標記涵義:-主要景點(以當日開放爲准)   -團費含收費景點   -途經不下車   -自費項目(每項均可選擇參加或不參加/請向導遊購買)


Canberra - Australia's Capital City Icons


澳大利亞首都堪培拉擁有很多重要的地標性建築和歷史性建築。司機導遊全程提供專業解說,一定讓你今天有所收穫。You’re travelling to Canberra today – Australia’s capital city and home to a number of important landmarks and historic buildings. To ensure you get the most out of the day, your Driver Guide will provide expert commentary throughout the journey.

Berrima - On the way to Canberra you’ll stop in the quaint little township of Berrima. Here you can treat yourself to morning tea (own expense) or take a short stroll through the village and along the river.


Mt. Ainslie - Before you get to Canberra you’ll visit the summit of Mt. Ainslie in Canberra’s National Park. From here you can take in the view of this unique city and surrounding mountain ranges. A great spot to take a few photos.


Australian War Memorial - Your first stop in Canberra is the Australian War Memorial, our memorial to those who lost their lives in the wars of the Commonwealth of Australia. You’ll be deeply moved as you wander through the shrine and come to realise the enduring impact that war has had on our society.


National Museum of Australia - Now you’ll visit the National Museum of Australia where Australia’s social history is preserved and interpreted. While the building itself is an architectural landmark, it is the Museum’s collection that will amaze you. Please note at times this may alternate with a visit to the National Gallery of Australia.


Parliament House - Next you’ll take a guided tour of Australia’s Parliament House. Subject to sitting times, you may even get to witness the Houses of Parliament in session. Opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988, the building was designed to represent two boomerangs and boasts an 81 metre flagpole at its peak. During the tour you’ll visit many of its 4,700 rooms and learn more of its architecture, history, artwork and the Australian democratic process.


The Lodge - After Parliament House you’ll take a look at the Prime Minister’s official residence, the Lodge. Built in the mid-1920s, the Lodge is a 40 room Georgian style mansion set on 18,000 square metres of majestic gardens. There’s many a story to be told of the Prime Ministers who have lived in the Lodge and your Driver Guide will share some of these stories with you along the way.


National Library - You’ll also get to see the National Library, the origins of which go back to 1901, however the building that you see today was opened in 1968. Located on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin, it is the largest reference library in Australia with up to 10˝ million materials on its bookshelves.


High Court of Australia - You’ll also see the High Court of Australia located in the Parliamentary Triangle on Lake Burley Griffin. In the Australian system, the High Court sits at the top of the hierarchy and is the final court of appeal. The building was opened in 1980 and the majority of sittings are held here.


Lake Burley Griffin - As you drive around each of the key landmarks in Canberra you will see much of its centrepiece, the man-made Lake Burley Griffin. While many national institutions are located on its shores, the Lake and its beautiful parklands, walking tracks, cafés and restaurants, provide the ideal location for recreation.


Carillion Bell Tower - In the heart of Lake Burley Griffin, on Aspen Island, you will see the Carillion Bell Tower. This stunning gift from the British Government to mark 50 years as the nation’s capital, stands 50 metres tall and is home to 55 bronze bells. The beautiful music of the bells can be heard across Lake Burley Griffin into the heart of Canberra city.





團費包括酒店接送、旅遊巴士、英文導遊、行程內景點門票、消費稅GSTLuxury coach travel, Expert commentary


團費不含自費項目私人消費、旅遊保險Own expenses, Travel insurance, private consumption








(AU$ 澳幣)

旅程代碼: SE11

















(2020331日前參團)優惠(每位) 185 176 170 93


189/95 175/88


139 131 127 103



() 曾經參加過我們行程的老客戶[注02] 持有Concession (需持有澳洲新西蘭-撫恤/老年/養老金卡)-亦可享受此特價   [更多優惠詳情]

0 重要: A)越早預訂=節省越多,全面的電子票務=免除舟車之勞。 B)周六下午or周日預訂,將在下周2收到上車憑證!


在線訂購-Online Booking-信用卡或Paypal預訂 (旅程代碼:SE11)


| 中國銀聯卡常見問題問答 | 非信用卡訂購方式 | 預訂條款 | 聯系我們 | 電郵查詢 info@pjtravel.com.au |


A=Adult 成人, C=Child 小童, p.p=每位, E=Earlier 提早預訂 *必需選擇欄或回答欄(否則不能預訂成功)



客服微信: PJTravel-AU

本行程已設置付定金澳幣$5(每人)選擇及完成以下*項目添加到購物車支付待確認有位計算餘款餘款支付 [詳情-05]


訂購SE11行程* (10人以上-微信PJTravel-AU)




其中小童年齡(15歲及以下需填寫)  (年齡格式:6yo+15yo..)


參團日期*       12月25日不發團


成人優惠申請* (如果不選-自動按優惠條款計價)


Sydney住宿酒店(英文填寫)[注06]* (格式:酒店名+酒店地址)


主參加人姓名*(需英文拼音)+手機號碼* (若需更多資料,我們會聯系您)


格式: Mr Ms Surname, First name (性別,姓在前,名在後) + 手機號(非澳洲請加區號:如香港+852-1234 5678)


餘款支付選項* (海外TT電匯-需離出發日10天以上)




留言(中英皆可/英文爲佳) (請勿含"$"字符/留言30)


(沒有澳洲手機號or不開通國際漫遊) 請提供微信Wechat or Whatsapp



如果沒有Paypal信用卡,全部款項可用澳洲銀行轉賬or微信轉賬: 填好上面表格後-請勿按上方“添加到購物車”,請截屏-發送到微信號 PJTravel-AU 電郵 我社



Terms and conditions: Under any special circumstances, our company reserves the right to cancel the tour prior to or after the date of departure and the right to adjust/change the schedule of the tour. Travel insurance is NOT included. We strongly recommend that passengers have their own travel insurance against illness, injury, loss/damage to personal belongings and not being able to travel on the confirmed departure date. Full fare is required for booking.

Cancellation fee: 25% of fare if you cancel 10 days prior to departure. 50% of fare if you cancel 4 to 9 days prior to departure. No refund if you cancel less than three days departure.  Amendment fee: There are 10% amendment fee for change departure date in 10 days advance, 20% amendment fee in 4 days advance. No change permitted within 3 days of departure.  Liability: Whilst we make every effort to safeguard our clients, we cannot be held responsible for personal injury or loss due to events which are beyond our control. Passengers should note that adventure travel involves a higher than normal risk and a signed release may be required from all participants before tour departure. Price may changed without notice by tour operator.

組團公司公佈的注意事項和報名、取消、轉讓及責任: 1.各種情況下(如交通擁堵、特殊天氣、團友誤時、人數不足車輛機械故障原因),發團社公司有權在行程前或啓程後取消或更改行程,也有權縮短或延長行程。 2.本公司謹建議各位客人購買旅行保險。如因交通、天氣或其他非人為因素影響而需更改行程或滯留,所需一切費用由旅客自行負責。 3.如團友因任何事故未能參團,取消辦法如下: 出發前10天以上取消,收取25%的取消費;出發前4-9內取消,收取50%的取消費;出發前3天內取消,收取100%的取消費 4.團友請准時集合,逾時不候。團友如遲到或未到,中途停團或自動放棄部份活動住宿等,所繳團費概不退還。 5.團友旅遊安全由各交通公司,酒店,各旅遊景點等直接負責,與本社無涉。 6.個人物品或行李請自行妥善保管,如有遺失,組團社不承擔責任。 7.改期收費: 出發前10天以上要求改期,收10%的改期費;出發前4-10天內要求改期,收20%的改期費;出發前3天內不接受改期 8.價格如因機票、彙率等變化有所更改,恕不另行通知,建議向我們查詢。組團社或歡樂旅遊P&J Travel保留對行程的最終解釋權 9.雙方權益受預訂條款約束和保護,強烈建議預訂前閱讀了解和保存。


Frequently asked questions 旅程常見問題問答

01) 1至4人若用5人以上價格(E5+)購買,需符合提前至少10天以上預訂、至少有三個行程代碼添加到同一次購物車中,並完成付款。



02) 老客戶Loyalty Customer 定義:至少在3個月前(以我們數據庫爲准)參加過我們的行程


03) Concession定義:如果持有澳洲新西蘭-撫恤卡/老年卡/養老金卡,此參加人可以使用Concession價格購買2017已停止提供。

04) 若行程中有自費景點門票,可以選擇參加或不參加,但門票建議由導遊統一購買,若自備門票,時間上配合不了團隊,損失自理。

05) 查位或留位所需支付訂金Tour deposit 澳幣AUD5/人。如果收到我們電郵+短信SMS通知有位及留位成功後,需在2(旺季需24小時內)支付餘款,否則訂金不予退還。如果收到我們電郵或SMS短信通知-團位已售罄,公司財務會在3個工作日內將所交訂金全額退還,或征求您的意見後可優惠價用於改換其它行程之費用

06) 部分酒店可直接接送, 若您住宿酒店不在接送點,組團社會安排您前往附近酒店等車。

本行程可直接上車酒店List參考目錄: Crescent on Bayswater, Sheraton on the Park Sydney,  Sofitel Wentworth Hotel Sydney, Vibe Hotel Sydney

07) 旅遊車型以參團人數決定,常規旅遊車為3753座旅遊巴士不等指定外餐飲自理(可自帶食品、飲料等或沿途購買)

08) 旅行日建議攜帶(適合步行的鞋/墨鏡/帽子/防曬霜/水瓶/照相機/冬季請帶保暖衣服)

09) 本行程接受出示智能手機上由組團社發出的旅行憑證(PDF文檔)參加旅行

10) 本行程公佈的注意事項和報名,取消,轉讓及責任之簡潔條款組團社或歡樂旅遊P&J Travel保留對行程的最終解釋權。歷次更新2013116(市場銷售),2015218(減少每週三出發),310(減少酒店接送點),315(價格調整),201687(版面及價格調整),2017217(門市價公佈),2019725(價格及版面)



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